Since two weeks have passed since I’ve updated you, I’m giving you a double post day! If you haven’t checked out Week #14‘s review, you can catch up and pop back over here. It may make a bit more sense. If you are all up to date, you will know that being on injury reserve has not stopped my fitness journey, but it has allowed me to focus on the parts of my journey that aren’t the workouts.
I’m continuing to focus on setting myself up for the ultimate comeback. As you can see from the following week, I’m making baby steps towards the future. Here’s last week’s week:
Monday (August 7th): Rest and ART
Donna at Well Body Basics worked her magic at my appointment. We discussed the next steps in my recovery. She, of course, told me to be smart.
Tuesday (August 8th): Ice Ice Baby
I thought I was going to be able to return to Cyclebar… but was mistaken. I woke up with more back and neck pain. Instead of giving into my want to jump back into my normal schedule, I took the smart choice of rest and ice. I told myself I would follow a smart recovery plan.
Wednesday (August 9th): In-Training Speedwork
Nope, I didn’t decide to do speedwork, but I did go to the Oval to help participants do the cool-down stretches. Since I’m used to taking Wednesday as a stretch and/or rest day, it felt like a normal day. Sometimes it is important to have some normal days! It’s a new season with new people. It is my favorite time because I love seeing people make progress. I did some light stretching and then did the verbal guidance for stretching.
Thursday (August 10th): Rest & FitWit Social
If you’ve been following my journey, you know I do FitWit several times a week. Since the accident and my no weight-lifting restriction along with needing to rest, I haven’t been back to Fitwit in weeks. We had a social to just meet and catch-up with people from other times. One of my steps for recovery is to make sure I stay involved in my fitness community. I took some time to get inspired by the FitWit nation to not give up on my workouts. FitWit has been an integral part of the progress I’ve made in my journey.
Friday (August 11th): Rest and a Test Drive
I woke up on Friday feeling ok. I tried some flat walking with my friend Susan. We decided with the threat of rain and my need for a truly flat place to test the waters to go mall walking. It was ok but afterward, I wasn’t feeling my best. It did give me the idea to investigate alternative place to get in some miles inside but not on a treadmill. (We didn’t see a single person who looked like they were what people typically think of as mall walkers. We actually saw people who look like they were doing the same as us… Consider a mall walk before the stores open if you need a dry place to walk.)
I ended up taking the morning off and rehabbing with ice and more rest. Testing the waters was a positive move forward and gave me proof that I’m moving forward but would need to take it easy with rest.
Accident Update: My poor car was totaled and it meant I was on the hunt for a new car. I test drove a couple and cars. Blaaah….car shopping isn’t my jam!!!
Saturday (August 12th): In-Training and Test Drive
Day one of 5K training was another one of those ‘normal’ days. I’m slowly getting back into my routines. Saturday mornings are reserved for training. I took a walk with some of the new to running participants and it was fun. I wasn’t able to do the form drills which was a bummer, but everyone understood. It’s great how awesome my tribe is about making sure I make the smart choice and take it easy. I really appreciate it.
After training a few of us went over to American Spirit Works, which happens to be right next door to Atlanta Track Club for a delicious lunch of pulled pork and sides by Kevin Gillespie’s pop-up Terminus City BBQ. It was amazing too!!! I didn’t have any ASW whiskey but had a virgin mule (a jazzed up ginger beer really) which was a nice refreshing end to the meal. Even better they gave us extra pickles which the marathoners appreciated! It is happening again every week for several weeks too.

(Not a paid taster but a fan. I’m hoping that one week I’ll get to post my selfie with Kevin!!! Presuming I don’t have a lack of speech abilities due to fangirling out cause y’all…! Another thing I probably never mentioned is I’m obsessed with food, cooking, and cooking shows. I remember where I was the first time I discovered Food Network. It’s serious stuff!)
After lunch, I test drove my new to me car! It was nice to conclude the car shopping process. Big thanks to my Mom for seeing the flyer! I really think my family and friends were just as happy that I found a car. I’m pretty sure they were tired of hearing me whine about car shopping!
Sunday (August 13th): Rest & Dinner
I took it really easy. As on previous days, ice and stretching were the name of the game!
As I mentioned in Week 14, my plan is to focus on my nutrition. I am eating cleaner than I have in the recent past, even at restaurants. I used to just order what I liked when eating out. Now I look for the happy medium of tastes good but is healthier. Monday, I benefited from the smart choice the night before by having a health left-overs that tasted great too!
I’m on the road to recovery. My journey will continue. you might have to see a few more of my healthy eating photos until the sweaty selfies return.
Telling you to make smart choice along with me as my journey continues #onestepatatime,
P.S. In Week 14’s post, I promised to tell you my plan for dealing with my dirty little secret. Well, since posting about my workouts and journey has helped me to stay on track, I’m going to post a photo at the end of my weekly review to show my car interior.

I know it should be easy to do but, the struggle is real. Here is the starting photo. Let’s see if I can’t keep it up!
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TJ Tells It | COPYRIGHT © 2019 · TJ Hadley
That’s great that you are on the road to recovery! I am also working on cleaning up my diet as well. Marathon training = me not making the best food choices.
Thanks! It’s not been as challenging as I originally thought it would be because I found some great cookbooks. Marathon training had my diet on a pendulum depending on how tired I was on the weekend! Love following your journey.