Hi, y‘all!
The week was a relatively typical week for me with a bit more rest. It had some harder than normal in-workout moments this week. I definitely was glad that those came after the fun at Masters where I was still feeling good. I like to draw on previous positive outcomes during my workouts. I will say at one point during Thursday’s workout, I thought I think I would rather be doing a marathon (quick thought before I snapped out of it)!
Monday (July 17th): Rest & ART
I luckily took the day off. We got in around 3 AM from Baton Rouge. I had an afternoon appointment with Donna at Well Body Basics. I originally wanted to have my legs worked on but at some point, I did something to my shoulder. It might have been when I put on all of my medals at once…hahaha. Donna worked her magic, and I felt so much better.
Tuesday (July 18th): FitWit & Cyclebar
After riding on the bus for so long Sunday night into Monday morning, I needed to get in some recovery workouts. I started the day at FitWit. It was a tough one but I think really just from the events of Sunday.
I finished the day at Cyclebar with Bianca. Talk about sweating. I was dripping through the entire class. I felt a lot better after it was all done. I do love a good spin workout! Trap Tuesday is a weekly thing now!
Wednesday (July 19th): Rest Day
I took this day to hang out with Zoey after work. I think she missed me since I was gone so long. It is also highly possible that she was just working me for treats!
Thursday (July 20th): FitWit
OMG! It was one of the hardest FitWit workouts I’ve had in a very long time. Between being tired and the workout being one of those sneaky looks so simple but it a serious workout. I took some of my new-found strength from USATF Masters and put it to work. It was a one rep at a time and one step at a time kind of workout.
Friday (July 21st): FitWit
Crawling and stair sprints to end the week were not my cup of tea. I really just hate cat crawls and bear crawls but I do them anyway. I felt awkward and it requires more coordination than I currently possess. I’m glad I didn’t skip it even though I was forewarned that it was going to be all the stuff I prefer to not do!
Saturday (July 22nd): Rest Day
I slept in for the first time in a long time. Zoey let me sleep until 7 am! After she woke me up, she promptly went back to sleep after a quick trip outside. I think she just wanted to make sure I was alive. I of course couldn’t go back to sleep but read a book. I took her to get her nails. I then made a meal prep plan after seeing Evan, my mom, and her pups. (Look for an update to my Run Fast, Eat Slow post this week.)
Sunday (July 23rd): Cyclebar Charity Ride

Two of my Atlanta Track Club friends had a joint Cyclebar fundraiser. Fellow run lead Chanel Hicks is raising fund to help with her father’s treatment after a massive stroke. Also, my nutritionist, Alissa Palladino is raising money for Kilometer Kids to run NYC Marathon. It was a nice ride with the class being taught by another fellow run lead Kafi. It was just an Atlanta Track Club party.
Each week I learn something new about my abilities. Mental toughness is something that I tend to over look especially when I have more objective measures to gravitate towards. Each tough moment this week was more of a mental battle than a physical. Now don’t get me wrong it, some were physical battles but it was about the mental push through.
I’m telling you a fitness journey is a lot of mental strengthening #onestepatatime,
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