Hi Y’all,
Quick Report:
The first meet was this past Tuesday at Buck Godfrey Stadium. We saw the Elites run the 2000M and Ms. Betty (92) set an unofficial American record in the 400M. Cool thing is that she already holds the World Record in the 800M. She set the bar for all of us there to compete in the 400M as it was a Grand Prix Race. Party in the Back members Kim and Pam showed up for the 400M too and crushed their predicted times.
My Race:
400M Grand Prix Race, Heat 8, Lane 5
Predicted finish time: 3:30
Actual finish time: 2:30
In a FB group I’m in someone said “Nothing important ever happens inside your comfort zone.” Well, I continued my year of uncomfortable and went to the Atlanta Track Club All Comers Track meet. So if you know me you may be thinking that is not outside your comfort zone. Well I even invited my sister and nephew to see me in action and video it for me.
Also, I really just don’t like people watching me run with nothing else to focus on.
That all being said, the Grand Prix 400M race was Tuesday and with all the worry beforehand it went better than expected. Nope I wasn’t the fastest. Nope I didn’t look like the Elites that ran before me. But I could have made an excuse or blamed an injury and decided not to run. The two people in my heat that showed up, I knew were going to be faster than me. I knew that I was going to be on the track alone for at least 30 seconds but could even be longer (it was 60 seconds). But I went and did anyway. Charlotte, an elite team member, gave me the needed boost on the back turn to keep running. Even better afterwards, I knew I had good form (Coach confirmed) and I did what others would never even think to try .
For those that showed up and gave it a try, I appreciate your presence and cheers. For those who gave into the fear of unknown, please give it a try. People are nicer to you than you are to yourself. For those of you who aren’t Atlanta Track Club members or locals, find a track meet and give one event a try. You will surprise yourself and will have fun too.
Next week’s report will include tales from putting shot and a track race.
Telling you to give track a try #onelapatatime,
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TJ Tells It | COPYRIGHT © 2019 · TJ Hadley
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