So here’s something that only some of you may know. I read A LOT. I’m always reading a book and listening to another. I love books! Since fifth-grade I have been an avid reader.
Most of the time I have at least one romance novel, one non-fiction, and one mystery/thriller going at the same time.
I tend to be a mood-based reader. When in doubt though, I go for the happily-ever-after books. Who doesn’t love a happy ending? Recently, I connected with bloggers outside of the fitness niche. One of my favorite connections has been with one of the book & lifestyle bloggers, Joy of Happily Ever After Novel Thoughts. Not only do I get great book recommendations, but she tells about her adventures in life.
One of Joy’s current pursuits is her workout routine. She works out weekly.
In keeping her readers in the loop, she is telling about her fitness journey and routine to show the woman behind the reader. In the hopes of giving book readers a way to start their own fitness journey, she asked me to put together an at-home workout for all levels. You can check out the no equipment needed at-home workout and more about her fitness journey on her site. Check out how you can Look Fly in No Time!
If you give the total body workout a try, leave a comment. Let me know how it goes!
Telling you readers workout too,
P.S. My week in review posts will be back in the next few days. I’ll catch y’all up on all the workouts including being back to two-a-days some days.
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TJ Tells It | COPYRIGHT © 2019 · TJ Hadley
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